Abstract submissions are invited from Fellows and Members of the West African College of Physicians (WACP), and other health professionals in fields relevant to the theme and sub-themes of the 2023 conference of the WACP (see the front page of flyer) for presentation at the conference.

All abstracts for submission must be in English (British) and typed using Times New Roman font size 12 in Microsoft Word Format. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words (excluding headings as well as names and affiliations of authors). Single and multi-authored abstracts should include each author’s last name and initials (in that order and without professional titles) as well as affiliations/addresses. The functional email of the corresponding author must be indicated. The presenting author’s name must be underlined.

All abstracts must be structured in the following format:

  • Introduction/background
  • Objective(s)
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Images and tables should not be submitted with abstracts. Only standard acronyms and abbreviations are acceptable. Special or unusual acronyms and abbreviations should be placed in parentheses after the first appearance of the full term. Numerals should be used for numbers above nine.

All presenting authors and co-authors must disclose any conflict of interest. Presenting author must register for the conference. Authors may indicate a preference for either oral or poster presentation but the final decision rests with the scientific sub-committee.

Submissions of abstracts closes on 12 midnight 31st May 2023. Only abstracts that conform to the aforementioned guidelines will be considered. Decisions on submissions will be communicated latest 15th June  2022. Accepted abstracts will be published in the book of abstract, and those presented in a later issue of the West African Journal of Medicine. 

Click here to submit your abstract.